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Review: Crollors Game Pack (3DS)

One day, I was browsing the Nintendo website for upcoming games. When I noticed that there’s a little minigame collection coming to the 3DS named Crollors Game Pack, I figured there would be no harm in reviewing the title. The minigames looked like they could make for simple mobile-like fun. Then I scrolled down a little more to find that not only is RCMADIAX continuing to plague the Wii U and New 3DS eShops with asset flips, but one of “his” games is one of the four games found in Crollors Game Pack.

Oh no.


Crollors Game Pack has a bare-bones packaging vibe to it. The menus are as static as they could be, and the games themselves aren’t visually appealing in the slightest. It gets especially obnoxious to see certain games displayed on both 3DS screens at the same time; it’s almost as if they weren’t natively designed to be on 3DS. Hmm…

Also, why is there a 2016 copyright date on this 2017 release?


The audio is mainly composed of stock-ish music and ho-hum sound effects. Probably the best piece in the collection resides in Color Switch Clone. I assume that music track has been there since the initial Unity asset release, though-OOPS, did I say that out loud?


Alright, I’m just going to say it outright: Crollors Game Pack is a pack of Unity assets. As soon as I saw RCMADIAX planning to cash in on one of the same exact assets, I knew something was up. I would have been kinder to this collection if the games were at least changed up or improved upon for the better. But that’s not the case. These games are the exact same things as their asset versions, except they’re on 3DS. Nvriezen at least put four under the same compilation and got them to run on a regular 3DS rather than exclusively on New 3DS, but the games are nevertheless purchased assets. The money that could be spent on this could go to purchasing the assets instead (assuming they aren’t all free).

Even if these games were entirely original, I would have still provided a ton of negativity. The space shooter is boring and doesn’t change up from its slow, lifeless pace. Swipe/”Catch It” is boring because the difficulty and pace never ramp up. “Zig-Zag Ball” is – surprise, surprise – boring because its difficulty and pace never change up. The only slight saving grace is the inclusion of Color Switch Clone (The title isn’t even changed in-game), but the free, legitimate release on mobile phones runs at a smoother framerate. What’s the point of rehashing the games if they aren’t good in the first place? The reason why they aren’t good is because they are exactly what they’re meant to be: Unity assets. Examples. Tutorials on how to make something like it in Unity. That way, fledgling developers could use these assets as bases or for bits of code they could use for their own games. They are never meant to be repackaged and resold like this.


I think I’m going to use this category as a message for not just Nvriezen, but for any up-and-coming indie developer that happens to be reading this. Since this is the dev’s first Nintendo 3DS venture, I’m not going to be so harsh to him/her. After all, the industry is a constant learning experience; there’s always an opportunity to see what works and what doesn’t.

That said, you don’t want to be RCMADIAX. It can only ever be stressed that you try to make your own games. Even if they’re not that good now, they’re still better than rehashing other people’s assets for desperate cash grabbing. In fact, they can help build a road to a point in time where you learn how to craft something really special. Learn from your mistakes, and you become all the wiser.

Continue down this path of exploiting Unity assets, however, and that respect won’t surface.

The choice is yours.

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