Last year, I reported that games from were being archived on the website, OneWeakness. It wasn’t the only website from my childhood that hosted a bunch of fondly remembered advergames, though. In fact, many major gaming companies during the 2000s would have dedicated websites to each major release. One such company is Nintendo! Within many of these websites are little minigames that players could check out to kill time with as they wait for the game it’s promoting to come out. Ever since the Wii era, however, all of these games and websites would cease to exist.
Fortunately, YouTube user Skelux has been working to archive plenty of Nintendo sites and games on his own website. There are already a lot of minigames you can find in his list of titles, from the sites dedicated to The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap and Donkey Kong 64 to single games based on Tetris DS and Odama. If you have ever visited any of these websites, you are sure to feel nostalgic as you get to play these again. It truly is a time capsule of a period where not even Nintendo could make their online games look professionally crafted. Ah, what good times they were…