Good news, Xbox fans! Looks like the Games with Gold selections have been announced on the Xbox YouTube page with some pretty good titles. According to the video, the games available for Xbox One on Games with Gold are going to be Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 (available Aug. 1st thru 31st ) and WWE 2K16 (available Aug. 16 thru Sept. 15). On 360, the games will be Spelunky (available Aug. 1st thru 15th) and Beyond Good and Evil HD (available Aug. 16th thru Aug. 31st).
Don’t forget, that thanks to backwards compatibility those Xbox 360 games you will be playable on your Xbox One.
What do you think about these games? Do you love them or hate them? Let us know in the comments section below. Keep it tuned to TiCGN for all the latest Xbox news.