The voice that has come to be mocked in video games, Peter Dinklage, is being removed completely from Destiny. All of the lines spoken by your Ghost, a little robot like companion, are spoken in a monotone voice that gave little to no emotion over the course of “vanilla Destiny” (the game before the first DLC dropped). There is a “little light” at the end of the tunnel and his name is Nolan North (Nathan Drake from Uncharted, Desmond Miles from the Assassin’s Creed series, Superboy from Young Justice) will now be the new voice of your Ghost!
Luke Smith, the director of Destiny: The Taken King, told Game Informer in an interview for the September issue, “We wanted Nolan North’s version of the Ghost to wake you up at the start of the journey at level one and follow you all the way to level forty.” Which will entice players that have either said “No” to Destiny or brand-new players to check out the updated version of the game. Even old players that have played through the story multiple times will enjoy the new voice in their game. Just a heads up the script will stay the same, so no new lines will be given by Nolan.
On another nice piece of news, it looks like you will be able to go all the way up to level 40! The current level cap is 20, but when you factor in light level it becomes 34. The is no word yet on how we will reach the new level cap, but expect more from Gamescom.