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Metal Gear Online Explained


While the majority of players are still trying to finish Metal Gear Solid V, Konami is hard at work trying to get the online version ready for its upcoming launch. Today they’ve released a trailer for the online portion of the game which gives players an idea of what to expect.

Players will be able to use the character they customized at the start of the campaign or create a new character to use online. This character will be able to use one of three classes: Infilitrator, a stealth based class, Scout, a long range class, and Enforcer, a heavily armed class.

There will be several game modes that are all versions of classic multiplayer game modes like Deathmatch. However, there are some twists that will help Metal Gear Online stand out; particularly the bounty feature, which rewards players for capturing enemy players through the Fulton by giving your team that player’s points. There are also a couple features that reward teamwork such as the Saluting feature which has players sharing information with each other with as enemy locations.

Several of the quirky bits of the Metal Gear campaigns will also be found in he online version such as the “Plushy snare” which has enemies being dazed by the cuteness of a plush puppy and the famous box that players use to hide in.

Characters from the campaign will also be playable. Revolver Ocelot and Snake (Big Boss) were shown off.

Metal Gear Online looks to be a fresh take on competitive shooter multiplayer, in a way that only the Metal Gear series can deliver.

Metal Gear Online launches October 6 for everyone who already owns Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. In the meantime, why not check out our review of Metal Gear Solid V?

Image Source: Kotaku

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