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Lincoln’s future in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season 3


Season 2 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D marked the first proper introduction of the Inhumans into the MCU. One of the powered people we met in Afterlife was Lincoln who possessed the ability to manipulate electrical currents. Going into season 3 actor Luke Mitchell has spoken about what is up next for his character. After the dramatic ending on board the S.H.I.E.L.D ship that saw Terrigenesis crystals released into the ocean it looks like we will be seeing Lincoln make some tough decisions regarding loyalties.

“You’re going to get to see different sides of Lincoln. He was introduced in Season 2 with a very specific purpose, and that purpose was to help Skye transition. He was also within the Inhuman hierarchy at Afterlife. In Season 3, Afterlife is no more and that Inhuman hierarchy is no more. Lincoln is a man without a country, so to speak.”

Regarding the actions of Jiaying in turning the Inhumans towards war “He feels betrayed, but he also feels guilty.”. It will certainly be interesting seeing him interacting with S.H.I.E.L.D members after initally being suspicious of their motives regarding indexing and then briefly fighting against them under Jiaying’s direction. Without giving too much away the actor did say that “He needs to find out who he is, as a man, and where he stands.”.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season 3 will begin broadcasting on ABC September 29th, 2015, and for more Marvel, TV, movie and gaming news stick right here on TiCGN!

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