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That Soda Or Salad You Buy Could Get You An XBox One Through Microsoft’s New Rewards Program

You might be on the fence about getting an Xbox One or a Surface Pro 3 but what if that cup of coffee from Starbucks or your soda from 7-11 could get you a discount on Microsoft products? It turns out that Microsoft is working hard to make its products available to everyone and a new rewards program being tested by the company can get you a serious discount or even pay for a new system entirely.

Now just about every company from credit card issuers to hotels to coffee shops have a rewards program these days but this one called EARN is a little different. You can actually shop at a number of popular retailers like Starbucks, 7-11, Whole Foods Market and Papa Johns among others. The amount you get back varies but mostly ranges from 5% to 10% on your purchases. In order to join the program customers must fill out a very brief web page and associate one credit or debit card with their account. Accumulated rewards can be redeemed at physical Microsoft Store locations but it is possible the program will eventually expand to the Microsoft Store website. As of this writing the program is being tested in three states- Massachusetts, Arizona and Washington. It appears that customers can use their rewards to pay for any product from the Microsoft store entirely or just use them to get a discount on their purchase. While it may seem odd that Microsoft is rewarding us for shopping at stores such as Starbucks it is possible they could see some benefit later down the road. After all, the person why buys a Surface Pro 3 or an XBox may come back for games or accessories.

A tip of the hat to The Motley Fool.

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