[amazon_link asins=’B002AB7TX8,B0056MKU5W,B01B6BJB4C,B004NRN5EO,B00KVR4HEC,B01MS1GOAX,1772940364,B018GVR638,B018GVQVO8,B004NRN5DU,B00Q03M3HY,B06XTJMF4B,B01MXLB67B,B00Z9LUFHS,1785861662,B0191J0SES’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’peterfaden-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e1cb5dd6-9e16-11e7-9318-8db3318e9c5c’]I happened across this recently released documentary called “The Souls Retrospective – Part I – Through the Fog” by Easy Allies yesterday and thought I would share it with y’all. This is an excellent walk through the history of Demon’s Souls, the first in what would become an entirely new genre of gaming, which I affectionately call Soulsborne. I highly recommend taking the time to watch the entire video if you have any interest in FromSoft or the Souls series in general. I know I will be eagerly awaiting Easy Allies‘ next entry in the “Souls Retrospective” series.