It looks like Nintendo Switch are swimming in games. Paladins was one of those rumored games that players had hoped would jump over to the Switch. Now you can watch the announcement trailer for the game before it releases next week.
The game will be free-to-play for players that don’t want to purchase it. You do have the option buy into the Founders Pack that is avaialbe in the eShop right now for $29.99. The game itself will be about a 5GB download. For those that have no clue what Paladins is all about, it is a fantasy team based shooter that is nipping at the heels of Overwatch.
If players do go out and buy the Founders pack they will get all of the Champions without having to unlock them. Paladins will be coming to players on June 12th so enjoy the E3 weekend and don’t forget that this game will be out next week.