I have a confession to make: I dislike multiplayer games, yet somehow I’m super hyped for Granblue Fantasy Relink.
Who is Cygames?
They worked on Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner together with Konami Computer Entertainment Japan for the PS4. They also worked on Airship Q for the PlayStation Vita with Miracle Positive as well.
They are now currently working on 2 different games – Project Awakening and Granblue Fantasy Relink.</em
What makes Granblue fantasy Relink unique?
Two words: anime hack-and-slash. And you can play it online or alone. No matter which way you choose to play you are going to have a blast. This is how you get Granblue Fantasy Relink: take Bayonetta and God Of War, add doses of Dynasty Warriors. Add anime cuteness to it and then give it a bit of an RPG mechanic. Then add a few Dragons for the final touch and there you go – you got yourself Granblue fantasy Relink.
Which character to choose from?
Would you rather be a knight that hits hard, wields 1 sword and one shield or a spear? Or perhaps you prefer someone with magic like a mage or maybe a summoner. Well, Granblue Fantasy Relink has you covered because the game has lots of variety when it comes to character choice.
Do you like undead skeletons? well, they exist and some of them have big shields and others have large swords. Boss battles are intense like a large goblin with a huge shield. He uses that shield to crushes you, he actually does a jump leap on to you and crushes you with hit attack.
As for magic, so far i have seen fire tornado, ice tornado and wind tornado spells. Furthermore, there are summoned swords, ice shard and ice block attacks.
Flying airships?
Yes, they exist.
Crumbling stages and more
One of the levels I have seen has you running away from a sphere. It follows you and while you are running away the ground beneath you is crumbling. Meanwhile, enemies are still fighting you so you are not getting any rest from combat.
Granblue Fantasy Relink is a game that is going to be on the PlayStation 4 its set in the Granblue universe