One of the more unusual multiplayer games from last year will be free to play for Xbox Live Gold subscribers this weekend. Evolve pits up to four players who take on the roles of a medic, trapper, support or assault character against another who controls a powerful monster in the arena in a battle to the death. Whether your style is a straightforward brute force assault or a more nimble run and gun attack or simply keeping your teammates in top fighting condition you will likely find a character (or monster) to suit your tastes. Even better, Evolve will be on sale for 50% off next week through Xbox Deals with Gold. All of the progress you make during the free play weekend will carry over to the full version should you choose to buy it.
All of the camouflage weapon skins from the Predator Skin Mega Bundle, the Behemoth monster, Jack the Trapper, Lennox the Assault class and more content will also be available for free over the weekend. A variant of Goliath, Meteor Goliath, will also be released for the first time during the event.
Will you be playing Evolve this weekend? Let us know about your exploits in the comments section below.