During last months EA Play event it was announced that Apex Legends would finally be integrating cross-play into it’s matchmaking. The announcement came at a time when cross-play was a much requested feature by the Apex community, and Respawn was highly considering it.
Along with the critically acclaimed battle-royale receiving cross-platform play, it was announced that Apex Legends would also be coming to Steam and Switch platforms respectively. This only widens the pool of players available in matchmaking for the implementation of cross-play this fall.
This comes as EA has been making a push to put more of its titles on Steam as well as Switch. An effort to broaden horizons for for the companies titles no doubt includes their higher-ups wanting more eyes on want has no doubt been one of their biggest financial success stories outside of annualized sports games.
As Apex Legends gets cross-play to unite the Legends of the Outlands, Season 5 is over halfway finished by the time of this writing. Many recent changes to Apex Legends have been praised such as the Mirage rework and the inclusion of a mobile respawn beacon. Despite this, it hasn’t all been a smooth drop. An early issue with shots not registering was a major problem. Especially when considering how high of a skill ceiling the game can have.
Other additions like a permanent Duos playlist and actual story content presented in the form of text boxes and hoard missions have rounded out the experience nicely over the past few months. Hopefully these additions, including the upcoming cross-play, are being delivered at a pace we can expect from Respawn. EA did just open a new studio specifically for Apex Legends, after all.
For more on Apex’s implementation of cross-play, Respawn and the Titanfall 3 we’ll never get, keep it locked to TiCGamesNetwork.