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Marvel Actor Fires Back At Zack Snyder Over Comments


Marvel/DC rivalry is by no means a new phenomenon but for the most part the creators keep any potential friction quiet. It came as a surprise then to see the director of the upcoming Batman v.s Superman: Dawn of Justice film do down Marvel’s Ant-Man. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Zack Snyder refers to Ant-Man specifically and talks about how at the moment superhero movies are merely the “flavour of the month”. Of course, a statement would odd under normal circumstances (what with the fact that he himself is directing a superhero movie) so he clarified that Batman v.s Superman:Dawn of Justice would transcend what we think of as a superhero movie.

I feel like he’s right. But I feel like Batman and Superman are transcendent of superhero movies in a way, because they’re Batman and Superman. They’re not just, like, the flavour of the week Ant-Man – not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next Blank-Man?

This conversation was in relation to the comments made by Steven Spielberg last month that superhero movies would eventually go the way of the Western. Well today, in response to Snyder’s comments, actor Sebastian Stan told Collider that not only were the Russo brothers doing very original things with Captain America: Civil War but that the current DC films were trying very hard to copy the Nolan-Batman formula.

“I would say we’re still making something very original in our own way. I mean, the Russos are coming in and taking something people are used to and they’re shaping it up and changing it in a very different way. They’re not trying to mimic a better Christopher Nolan movie or something like that.”

The DC movie slate has been taking a lot of heat from fans and critics alike in recent times for the darker and gritty tone of the shared DC Cinematic Universe. Many people have drawn into question whether the style that worked so well for the Nolan films works as well with characters like Superman. Man of Steel was greeted with mixed reviews when it released and currently has an aggregate score of just 54% on Rotten Tomatoes.

No doubt this latest outburst form the filmmakers will spur on further Marvel v.s DC rivalry amongst fans, but is that really best? For more movie, TV and gaming news stick right here with TiCGN!

A congregate profile that has an accumulation of all our work from previous staff who articles were on our site with no name.

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