You didn’t really think that the next season of Killer Instinct would only have three characters, did you? We certainly didn’t and the identities of two new characters have been leaked according to the good people at Shoryuken.
The young lady above is unique to the current Killer Instinct lore. Her name is Mira and she is apparently the deceased sister of Maya. Given her very gothic appearance she is likely a vampire or similar type of undead creature.
The other character is General RAAM from the Gears of War franchise. Unfortunately we do not have an image of RAAM from Killer Instinct to show you yet.
There also appears to be a new Shadow Lords mode. We don’t have many details on this yet but it appears to be an online mode where players can influence events happening all over the in-game world.
Killer Instinct Season 3 will release on March 29th for Xbox One and Windows 10. The game will offer cross buy and cross platform play options between console and PC.