On the eve of Summer Slam, to all you WWE fans out there it, it seems like Master Chief will be pulling a John Cena hand waving , “you can’t see me” taunt by not revealing his face in Halo 5. According to Halo 5 creative director Tim Longo responded “I actually don’t even know if I can talk about that. He doesn’t take his helmet off.,” when asked, by Gamerant, about Master Chief revealing his face in the upcoming Halo 5. However maybe he does not take off his helmet, but Lock’s takes it off for Master Chief. So there are ways this can be interpreted as such a iconic moment would be best kept secret.. as most of the Halo 5 campaign seems to be.
After teases of the back and side of Master Chief’s head in Halo 4 and the ultimate phot editing take on seeing a reflection through his mask during a cut-seen when upping the brightness, yielding some scars and paler skin; it seems from this news we might not be seeing his face in Halo 5.
What do you think?