Minecraft title update 31 brings with it a host of content. New mobs include Endermites, Guardians, Elder Guardians, Rabbits, and Chicken Jockeys. The update also includes new biomes which include Mesa, Mega Taiga, Roofed Forest, Birch Forest, Forest, Savanna, Extreme Hills, Deep Ocean, Snowless Taiga, and Ice Spikes. The update also comes with 20 new Technical Biomes and underwater Ocean Monument structures. New block types, flowers, craftable items, and some game-balancing tweeks are included in the title 31 update. Fishing now has a new particle effect, Nether Portals can now be built inside a rectangle frame and skeletons now flee from wolves.
This the biggest update for Minecraft on consoles which Minecraft gamers have been asking for. Minecraft hasn’t had a notable update for a long time and Minecraft gamers should be really happy with this huge update. All of this new content has been previously released on the PC version of Minecraft. This new update was submitted on December 9 to Microsoft and Sony and should be available to download soon.