Gears of War Studio Head Interested in Collaboration with Capcom


Capcom has had a renaissance in gaming output. Once mocked in the gaming world as a cruel entity that held many fan favorite franchises in the back burner, Capcom has now produced quality content that has garnered a new generation of fans. Resident Evil brought back a franchise that was seen to be diving down the wrong path but was rightly resurrected with Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. Earlier this year Capcom had its biggest success story with Monster Hunter World, a franchise that had not yet proved itself on consoles in the western world. Becoming Capcom’s biggest seller, the success has attracted a lot of fans one in particular being <a class=”ProfileHeaderCard-nameLink u-textInheritColor js-nav” href=””>Rod Fergusson</a> the head of the Gears of War franchise.

Leaving little to interpretation Fergusson states “So who @MonsterHunter do we need to talk about getting a Brumak in the game?” clearly Fergusson has played Monster Hunter world and has noticed the Monster based combat in it. Brumak’s in the Gears of War franchise resemble T-Rex’s which isn’t an uncommon look for the monsters in the Capcom game. The only stand out would be the Bruma’s chain guns and missile launchers which Fergusson mentions could be removed.


Whether your a Monster Hunter fan or Gears of War fan this mashup is sure to be action packed.
