DOOM: Eternal – Update 1 and Upcoming Expansion

A taste of what's next for DOOM Slayers everywhere....


Parker Wilhelm from Bethesda has dropped a pair of massive news items on Bethesda’s official Doom websites. On the Slayer’s Club, he offered a taste of what’s to come with regard to the first update to DOOM Eternal. While only listed as “coming soon” according to the blurb, it seems clear that this massive update is just around the corner.

Update 1 looks to contain a slew of new features, including “Empowered Demons.” A feature which sounds reminiscent of the Middle Earth: Shadow duology, Empowered Demons receive a power boost after slaying a gamer in single-player campaign action, then invade the game states of other players. Players then have the option of avenging their fallen friends in exchange for loot and an XP boost.

All images ©2019 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. DOOM, id, id Software, id Tech and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of id Software LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
Update 1 will bring Empowered Demons to your game state!

Other enhancements include quality of life improvements to both single-player and Battlemode, and an add-a-friend feature through Specific to Battlemode, improvements include tweaks based on data analysis, balancing, and console-exclusive adjustments.

Perhaps even more important is word today that the first expansion is also coming soon. It will be part of the Year One Pass which is available both as part of the Deluxe Edition of DOOM Eternal and as a separate purchase. The release reads, in part:

Following the events of the main story, your victory over Hell’s armies pulled humanity back from the edge of extinction – but it came at a cost. An imbalance of power in the heavens requires the true ruler of the universe to rise and set things right.

For those of you unfamiliar with the DOOM franchise, DOOM Eternal allows you to step into the armored boots of the DOOM Slayer in a fight against demons to prevent the ultimate destruction of humanity. We here at The Inner Circle are glad they chose to officially name the character “DOOM Slayer,” because let’s face it, DOOM Person would sound fairly boring. It may as well be called DOOM Accountant. The slogan would be something like, “RAZE TAXES! The DOOM Accountant tells demons… their number is up!” On second thought, I like DOOM Accountant.

Also, if you’re unfamiliar with DOOM, I feel I might also need to give you a quick primer on what “video games” are. It all started with a man named Nolan Bushnell… come to think of it, we don’t have that kind of time. Just check it out!

To view the full release on the upcoming DLC, click here.

The full Update 1 details can be seen here.

Stay tuned here for more news as it becomes available!

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James M.
James is a writer, teacher, and gamer, with a preference for Xbox and PC, but a love for gaming on all platforms. In addition to screenwriting, James is also a Teacher and Learning Technology Coach, with a passion for storytelling. His interests are broad-ranging, from humor and science fiction to drama and historical pieces. He has penned four features (two comedy, one thriller, and one period drama based on a true story), three pilots with additional episodes and series bibles (one historical, one science fiction, and one thriller) and is currently at work on the novelization of his revolutionary take on the Robin Hood legend (pilot completed in 2013, followed by further extensive research, subsequent episodes, and series bible.) James is currently working with Dee Brantlinger of Brantlinger Entertainment ( to pitch his near-future science fiction drama New Australia, and drama/thriller Doppelgängers. In his free time, James loves spending time with his parents and pets, watching movies, reading, video games, and apparently, talking about himself in the 3rd person.