You may be noticing that Crackdown 3 is updating. We just had one not that long ago. This is just a hot fix for the campaign that is taking care of a few bugs that showed up after the last update.
The issues that where taken care of with this hot fix:
- Fixed issues with the crime map preventing players from completing the map to 100%, even if all objectives were completed.
- Fixed issues with Orb count tracking in specific zones.
- Fixed an issue where the HUD would appear over boss intro videos when the player attempts to skip them.
My personal favorite fix:
- Firing range of Industry drones has been reduced slightly.
I know most of us have moved on after finishing the game. Do find the time to go back and enjoy some more mass destruction. Crackdown 3 is actually a good game that every gamer should enjoy. Don’t forget that the first two games are still free to enjoy as well.