PlayStation Studios Brand Announced

Marvel at it.


Logo reveals. Leaks. Teasers. Streams. Tear downs. SSDs. Teraflops. What does it all mean? The start of something exciting. 2020 is set to usher the dawn of a new generation of gaming. Between the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5, gamers have a lot to be excited about. While Microsoft has bombarded us with information, Sony has been playing it’s cards rather close to the chest. However, the sleeping giant may be awakening. As the wait for the next generation of console gaming continues, Sony has decided to bless their faithful and diehard fans with an announcement. Introducing: PlayStation Studios!


PlayStation Studios seeks to encompass all of Sony’s first party offerings under a single, simplified, marketing umbrella. Per Eric Lempel, senior vice president and head of global marketing at Sony Interactive Entertainment: “Over the last few years — and even the last decade — the strength of the titles coming out from our studios has been stronger than ever. We have been thinking about how we unite all of these great games under one brand, and really the purpose of that is to make the consumer understand that, when they see this brand, they’re getting ready for a robust, innovative, deep experience that they’ve come to expect from games coming from PlayStation. So we came up with PlayStation Studios.”

The new logo will adorn various marketing materials, box art, and even the game discs themselves. In addition, Sony has also created a very Marvel-esque animation that will appear at the beginning of their titles.

It is quite visually pleasing, and definitely serves as a seal of quality. Sony’s formula this generation has been to focus on story driven experiences. Critics and gamers alike have showered them with acclaim and accolades. The millions of game and console sales further cement PlayStation as THE place to get the best games. If Sony’s track record for exclusives is anything to go by, when you see this animation, you know you are going to get something special. This new brand will enable more users to associate Sony with their amazing first-party content. Eric Lempel continues, “We think this is a good way to let consumers know that, if they see it, then the quality games they’ve come to expect from us are here. And this brand will exist for well-known existing franchises, as well as brand new franchises that we have yet to explore.”

Those expecting to see this in The Last of Us 2 or Ghost of Tsushima will be in for a letdown. With those games so close to launch, the branding won’t be ready. But rest assured, the PlayStation 5 will have you covered. The brand will be going live simultaneously with the marketing blitz for the console. Expect to see it on Sony releases on PC as well. It will also be featured in games made by studios that are partnered with Sony for exclusivity. Even more exciting, the cinematic will change and vary as time goes on and new games and characters are introduced.

The PlayStation 5 is expected to launch Holiday 2020. The wait is almost over.
