The Nokia Lumia line of smartphones just don’t get any respect. The real tragedy behind these phones is that they aren’t bad devices by any means. They actually have some great features and games; they just don’t have the same level of app support that the iPhone and Android already have and there is little reason for longtime users of those devices to switch to a Windows phone. The idea of a phone that shares the same operating system as our PCs and Windows tablets is the right way to go but unfortunately, the Lumia 950XL does not provide a seamless desktop experience even when docked. The writing may be on the wall for the Lumia line but Microsoft is not ready to give up on a Windows phone just yet.
During the latest episode of Windows Weekly by the good people at This Week in Tech, Microsoft’s executive vice president Chris Caposella confirmed that Microsoft is toiling away to create a smartphone that will be the spiritual counterpart to Microsoft’s Surface tablet line.
No release date or features were revealed but the concept of a Surface phone is intriguing. The Surface Pro tablets proved that a tablet user does not have to sacrifice functionality in a mobile device. The idea of a phone that can run a full version of Windows and applications such as Photoshop or even games seems too good to be true but if any company can pull it off, it is Microsoft. We’ll be sure to report more news on the Surface phone as it develops.